Tuesday, April 28, 2009

an enconter with a unlikely enemy

sorry for not bloggin for so long...to sian

man..today is crazy sia...firstly, scl is still sian...but the thing was tat.. it started rainin..so my class was like yes la..no more heatwave, but then we regretted it later after scl. cause it was likke a war...so many little flyin ants were like attackin us la. those pestky vermints...we were like WHERES THE BUS!!!...then finally after like super long of chasin the bugs away..the bus came.............................then when i reached back, the vermints were like takin my blk hostage...all surroundin it..it had to make a freakin long detour just to get in 'unharm'. but still freakin pissed with the whole thing..although i know its harmless..its still irritating to have small flyin pest with tiny wings crawlin all over your body... well i bloged bye...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

yes its OUT

haha...heres my vid if you guys (and girls) still have not watched. i know your tempted so go ahead and press the start button


FAILING IS NOT AN OPTION.......well think again

hi im back umm....i got nothin to say to write excerp that on wed i had my first camara seasson in my cca.not too bad, had super a lot of 'retarded' moments. if i manaage to get the photos,which i hope is next week. then i will post, if not keep waiting.its a good habit.

well heres another nice vid i found. hope you anjoy